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Beesotted Social Part 1 – Terry Evans & Marcus Gayle


Beesotted Social Part 2 – Ijah Anderson

The first week in November saw the launch of the very first Beesotted social – a series of events aimed at bringing Brentford fans together to drink beer and chat football … with a bit of entertainment thrown in to boot.


And it was a cause for double celebration as one of Brentford’s most popular boozers – The Globe Pub on Windmill Rd – had just undergone a huge new refurb – opening their doors for the first time in nearly two weeks to host this event.



A great turn-out saw over sixty Bees fans in the house entertained with music from DJ Clive Johns before tuning into an “in conversation with” session with Brentford legends Terry Evans, Ijah Anderson and Marcus Gayle hosted by Billy Grant and Dave Lane from Beesotted.



Beer was flowing from the get-go as Fullers supplied The Globe with its very own “Brentford” beer especially for the event whilst the pub very kindly plied the audience (and players) with copious amounts of London Pride and lager. I even noticed the odd glass of wine and (in Ijah’s case) a wee whiskey and coke. And the pub even threw in pizzas for good measure to ensure that people weren’t drinking on an empty stomach (too late for some).


Needless to say, events started to get very lively very quickly. Terry Evans recalling Terry Hurlock fighting with his dad on the floor … Ijah Anderson telling telling tales of Ron Noades’ Promotion Celebration party at his house where Hermann Hreidersson had to perform a rather peculiar rescue act. And Marcus Gayle recalling having to negotiate the left wing while avoiding chomp bars being thrown at him.


There was a more sombre side to the evening as Ijah Anderson also told how depression hit him quiet hard at the back end of his playing career – a very serious issue obviously very close to his heart and very prevalent with young males in society at present.



All in all, a great night was had by all. What people found most refreshing was the how open the players were. One minute they were talking quite frankly about issues within the game and any problems that they may have encountered at the time. Next minute they were reeling off hilarious tales of escapades from back in the day.


The next social is penned in for Friday 16th December at an absolutely fabulous venue in Chiswick.


You can listen back to the Terry, Ijah, Marcus Social on the Beesotted podcast split into in two parts in the media player above or click these links.