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The next BIAS Fans Forum takes place this Thursday evening – where supporters will be given the chance to ask Mark Warburton and his management team questions about the team and the club.

Whether you’d like to enquire about the Lionel Road plans, the rain sodden Griffin Park turf, or the fact that we don’t keep eleven men back for corners any more  this is your chance to have your question asked.

If you can’t make the evening yourselves then Beesotted will endeavour to ask it for you. Within reason. Drop us a line @beesotted on twitter. Or post your questions below this article. The event itself kicks off at 7.30pm in The Hive, where they will be selling both beverages and snack items. It’s unclear yet exactly how many loyalty points each will accrue but if you buy a twix and a pint you can probably expect to get a ticket for Fulham away next season.

The panel should also include the likes of Frank McParland, Mark Devlin, Katie Hopkins, Cliff Crown, Peter Andre, Lorenzo Pinamonte and Brian Burgess. We made three of those up – find out who on the night.

To put your name on the guestlist please email [email protected]
