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BillytheBee fondly relives the madness that went down every time Brentford fans visited Falkirk as can be seen in this brilliant video featuring rare fans footage from the terraces way way way before camera phones were even on the drawing board.  Full article appears in Beesotted 101 which can be bought here.

The period around our trips to Falkirk has got to go down as one of the most enjoyable times of my Brentford-supporting life. We were flying high at that time so supporting Brentford felt good. Our first few visits were on the verge of our promotion at Peterborough whereas the trips thereafter were when we were actually promoted.

We were the dons.

We were winning matches. Week in and week out.

The hospitality shown to us by our Falkirk brethren was unprecedented. They made us feel so welcome putting us up in their houses every time we visited. The whole club embraced Brentford like the team was their own – the fans .. the players .. the management .. and that made us want to keep going back.

We even managed to hot-tail it back from a Falkirk game in Aberdeen to get back just in time for our next-morning’s demolition of Fulham once.

Falkirk Bee Andrew Gardner from the Houstie Hardcore also recalls the numerous visits of Brentford fans to Falkirk in the 90s in his article in Beesotted 101. You can grab a copy before, during or after the Scunthorpe home match and at any game in between up to the Sheffield Utd away match Or on eBay here.