This film has been put together using some of the magical footage that Beesotted has filmed at Brentford games all over the country in the last three years, which encapsulates the wonderful journey we have all shared in that time.
On My Way To Heaven was originally produced to be shown at the Twickenham Film Festival in the summer, but now the dust has settled on our season, this is the right time to look back, re-live and celebrate once more, some of the moments that will stay with us forever.
Having watched the film dozens of times already it still surprises me how emotional I still find parts of the film… It also makes me very proud to be a Brentford fan and to have shared some simply stunning moments with so many friends.
On My Way To Heaven shows what a wonderful club we support… Enjoy it… And share it.
Dave Lane
Great film but who was that big scary bully who was swimming in 3 points!!!
Wow . . . What a story . . . What amazing Fans!
Dear Messrs Lane and Grant
Congratulations on a wonderful piece of work.
These have been the best seasons I’ve had supporting The Bees over 40 years, and you have captured the ups and occasional downs perfectly. Especially the Preston game which I missed – it’s a long story but typical of how perverse BFC can be sometimes.
I still find it difficult to watch the Doncaster penalty and aftermath – it took me days to get over that.
That guy after Norwich last year was priceless.
I was as vociferous as anyone on the events of the beginning of the season, but this has reminded me what a wonderful journey (as they say on reality TV) we’ve been on.
It was also interesting to put a face to the Dogcatcher – present company excepted, one of the most cantankerous individuals on BFC message boards. It seems he’s not so different in real life, unlike myself of course.
Welcome to my happy clappy world Gordon.
Best. Football. Film. Ever.
All the various Blogging Awards who have failed to give you their top prize need to watch that and eat some humble pie.
Many thanks for putting that together. Keep up the good work.
Great work. I’ve been coming to Griffin Park since 1993 but have been exiled to Los Angeles and have been following on Beesplayer, the occasional televised game etc. This really was a great way to feel like what it would have been to be there. COYB!
Sitting here with a smile on my face…great piece of film. You Bees!
Well, how good was that,stuck here in N.Z. brings home to me just what I have missed over the last few years well put together
An amazing video and what a journey, can’t wait for the next chapter.
South Coast Bees
Great piece of work guys – brought back so many great memories. What a journey! And we got the double over Reading too!!
Wrong title mind…………..
Should be On my way to Heaven Part 1!